About us / Cases / Mercury

Fire protection for data centres: KBS protects your data!

Data is just about the most precious 'matter' circulating in our society and economy. Those who handle it correctly are often miles ahead of their competitors. But data is often sensitive, confidential and even downright dangerous. Secure storage, both physical, and software-based, is therefore absolutely crucial. It doesn’t take much for an accident to happen. This is precisely why fire protection for data centres by KBS Systems makes the difference between continuity and... well, disaster!

Data centre fires are absolutely real

When a fire breaks out in a data centre, it is rarely brought to the forefront. That’s only logical: no company likes to tell people that it has potentially lost this most precious of data. Besides the obvious dangers to personnel and infrastructure, of course, there is also the enormous damage to the reputation and operations of often multiple companies: data centres store data from multiple companies and organisations.

And yet it happens more often than you might think. Data management and storage now involve some specific fire risks. Fortunately, you can protect yourself against it… and for this you will find a highly competent partner in KBS.

The risks: What causes fire in a data centre?

Fires in data centres can be caused by many factors, both inside and outside the facilities. We briefly list the most important ones:

  • Short circuits and electrical overloads.
  • Wiring and equipment overheating.
  • Lack of supervision and maintenance.
  • Staff/customer negligence.
  • Strike of lightning
  • Deliberate dangers, sabotage.
  • Fires starting outside the data centre

Case study – Mercury: Know-how makes all the difference!

Any company which provides data storage, therefore, has every interest in ensuring maximum protection against fire. Think about the right preventive measures, use of fire-safe materials, thoughtful placement of risk-sensitive components… KBS Systems has been contracted by various data companies as a fire safety expert. We are quite proud to live up to our rock-solid reputation on a daily basis, such as with international, large data centres, project developers. A good example is our recent international collaboration with Mercury for two data centres in Paris. As an international project developer Mercury is very strict about choosing partners. The added value of our know-how again made all the difference in these projects!

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